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First of all we are not agent we are agency.The money which you pay will be completly trust worthy.We are not fake and we do not do any unwanted things.We give 100% satisfaction on the donation provided by you.If you are unsatisfied with the service you can choose the alternative option or you can get you money back.
Body to body for 1 hour in INR 10,000.
Full Service For 1 hours in INR 15,0000.
Full Service For 2 Hours in INR 25,000.
Sandwich Massage & Shot 2 hour in INR 27,000.
House Wifes and Girls Full Night in INR 35,000.
Models and College girls For Full Night in INR 45,000.
We accept credit cards, debit card as well as cash and online payments. Escort service is 100% genuine and trustworthy in regards to the service we provide. If the customer at not satisfied with us in that case we give 100% money back guarantee. In case if a customer is unsatisfied ,we also have an alternative option for them in that case we provide other selected girls thanking you ,regards India Girls Escort Service..